It's About Friendship
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... to the and TVL approved fanlisting for the relationship between Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg on the TV series The Sentinel. Jim is a sentinel; a person who through a genetic quirk has extremely heightened senses. Blair discovered Jim's abilities and helps him control and utilize his senses, as Jim's guide. Jim's day job is as a police detective, and so Blair became Jim's partner, helping him solve cases and fight crime with the help of Jim's senses. They have a very deep relationship, and are the best of friends. For more on their relationship, click here. Whether you're a friend of the intense friendship these two have developed, or a fan of the subtext of something more (or even both!), this fanlisting's for you.

Here, should the fancy take you, you can join the fanlisting, get the codes, view the members, or nip over to the About page to read a wee bit about Jim and Blair, view fanfiction recs, or check out the links.

Member stats

Members: 74

Last updated: Monday the 16th of September 2024. No new members have joined since the last update.

Site credits

This site was started by Noelle. Many thanks for allowing me to adopt it.
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