Alchemy, Caroline Alert's website

About Caroline Alert

Caroline is an American fanfiction author and artist. Her stories are widely considered to be classics of the genre.

If you wish to contact her, you can send her email or you can fill out this form. Thank you kindly for dropping by.


About the site

This site is maintained by Tehomet and uses (with permission) art by Kitty and a mail form script by Jem. I asked Caroline if I could set up a site for her because I love her work and thought it would be good if she had a homepage of her own.

The site is hosted on Dreamhost and is designed to be web standards compliant, viewable with any browser, and valid html and CSS.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. To see what other projects I am interested in, go to my domain. Thank you for visiting.


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Graphics by FMG · Mail by Jem · Site by Tehomet
Fanfiction © Caroline Alert 2006