
About plus-size people

I'm Tehomet and I'm a fat person. Hello!

This fanlisting is to celebrate fat people, and to celebrate human diversity. I think it's just as stupid to hate someone for being a different size than you, as it is to hate someone who is a different colour, gender, nationality or religion. As Susanna, who started this site said, no matter what size we are, we're all human. It would be good if we could love and accept ourselves as we are.

I've put pictures of some of my favourite plus-size people on this layout which features, clockwise from bottom left:

Have a comment to add? Let me know.

About this site

XLNT is the only fanlisting for plus-size people listed at the Fanlistings Network. The site was originally opened by Susanna, who was kind enough to allow me to adopt it in August 2008. Susanna came up with the site's title and the codes. Thanks, Susanna!

If you haven't come across a site of this type before, a fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular author, movie, book, etc. to connect. To my mind, it's a great excuse to build a little tribute site. :) There are over 50,000 fanlistings in existence and the number is growing every day. Some are simple fanlistings and some are part of a much bigger website. Find out more about the fanlistings phenomenon at the Fanlistings Network.

This site is designed to be web standards compliant, viewable with any browser, and is valid XHTML and CSS. The site owner and maintainer is me, Tehomet. If you have any questions or comments, drop me a line. To see what other projects I am interested in, go to my domain. Thank you for visiting.